PRO AUDIT ZLÍN, spol. s r.o.
Tyršovo nábřeží 466, 760 01 Zlín
IČO 60717581, DIČ CZ60717581
registr: KOS v Brně, oddíl C, vložka 16186
tel.,fax. 577 214 198
auditor, tax consultant, bankruptcy trustee
Executive head and company director. He has worked for the company since 1996. A University of Technology in Brno graduate, a degree in Company Finance and Business. BA degree in IT at Faculty of Economy, Brno. He is the accountable auditor and tax consultant at the company. He does not specialize one-track, he is excellent in all economic fields. He speaks English fluently.
phone: 00420 603 467 081, e-mail:
auditor, tax consultant, bankruptcy trustee
Executive head and founder of the company. An Agriculture University in Brno graduate,( faculty of economics). He has worked as an economist for more than 30 years in various positions first and later in managerial posts. He has had long term experience in accounting and tax consulting. He focuses on tax cosulting according to Czech legislation. He has partial knowledge of English, German and Russian.
phone: 00420 603 871 499, e-mail:
tax consultant
A graduate of Tomas Bata University in Zlin. Has experience in accounting and tax consulting and works in roles of a tax consultant and assistant auditor. In auditing leds own auditing team. Speaks English fluently.
phone: 00420 739 239 435, e-mail: